8 Tips for Choosing the Right Audited Accounts Payable Service Provider for Freight Management
Apr 23, 2024 11:19:59 AM Ryan Williams 2 min read
Choosing the right audited accounts payable service provider for your freight management needs can significantly impact your operations and costs. Here are some essential tips to consider when selecting a provider:
1. Technology Expertise
Look for a provider with advanced technology expertise. They should offer efficient systems that provide transparency into managing your freight bills and payments. Technology-forward freight management systems can answer your questions quickly and prevent delays in the process.
2. Customer Service
Opt for a provider that prioritizes customer service. Work with a personalized service provider that makes it obvious you are not just a number, but that you have a friendly, approachable team ready to address your concerns and provide support.
3. Proactive Approach
Select a provider that takes a proactive approach to freight management. They should be proactive in identifying and correcting carrier overcharges before payment, saving you time and money in the long run.
4. Accessibility
This is important both from a client perspective, as well as for the carrier. Ensure that the provider you choose is just a phone call away, always accessible and responsive to address any issues or concerns promptly, reducing the risk of delays or billing disputes.
5. Value-Added Services
Consider a provider that offers value-added services, such as detailed management reports and analysis. These services can help you optimize your transportation network and reduce labor and administrative costs. Other value-added services include:
- Freight Claims Services
- Proof of Delivery Services
- Freight Cost Reduction
- Consulting
- Post-Audit Services
- Traffic Management
6. Transparency and Accountability
Choose a provider that offers transparency in their billing processes. They should provide detailed explanations for any discrepancies or short payments, helping you understand and address any issues.
7. Avoid Being Just a Number
Consider working with a smaller, boutique provider rather than a larger, impersonal company. A smaller provider is more likely to offer personalized service and go above and beyond to meet your needs.
8. US-Based Operations
If possible, choose a provider that conducts all operations in the U.S. This ensures your data is secure and you are supporting the local economy. At Williams and Associates, our entire team and everything we do is in the U.S.
Avoid providers that outsource their operations to other countries which can cause communication issues and reduce the quality of service you receive.
Consider these tips when choosing an audited accounts payable service provider for freight management to ensure you find a provider who meets your needs and helps you achieve your transportation goals. At Williams and Associates, we offer all these crucial aspects of accounts payable freight management services. If you’re ready to remove the burden of freight management costs from your team, we’re ready to help!
Ryan Williams
As the CEO and a third-generation Williams & Associates family leader, Ryan brings extensive experience collaborating with partners in supply chain networks, finance, operations and IT, both internationally and domestically. He’s worked with freight carriers and customers to establish KPIs and develop carrier scorecards, as well as performing time-sensitive analyses to prioritize workload and identify risks to improve performance. Ryan was a sculpture and graphic design fine arts major and enjoys bringing his creative side to the transportation industry.