Williams & Associates, Inc.

Williams & Associates Inc. has been providing superior services and products in the transportation industry since 1921.


Products and Services:

  • Freight Payment and Management Reporting
  • Freight Claims Management
  • Freight Bill Post-Audit
  • Transportation and Logistics Consulting
  • Transportation and Logistics Software
  • Transportation Management Program
  • More Information

Audit Compliance

SAS 70 Type II Audit – 2005-2010

SOC 1 Audit – 2011-2023


New & FREE to Clients!

Compass Transporation Intelligence

Our new software provides a visual representation of your company’s transportation cost, helps identify trends, analyze data and make informed decisions about your budget.

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Williams & Associates Inc.
405 East 78th Street Bloomington, Minnesota 55420-1251
Phone: (952) 884 9959 Fax: (952) 884 0218